Eutrophication addressed

Sustainable management of blue-green algae and poor water quality. 


Advanced Nutreact technology tackles eutrophication at source. Sustainable and measurable.

How does Nutreact work?

Nutreact technology effectively removes nitrogen and phosphorus from water. Sustainable, measurable and by a completely natural process. 

Our Mission

Back to the water systems of old. In balance and with immense biodiversity. We do this by reducing the fertilisation of the water. The water body is reset, so to speak, giving nature a chance again.

STOWA Innovation Award

Together with Chiel van de Voorde, Nutreact managed to secure a shared first place at the STOWA innovation award of 2021! The Nutreact reactor, combined with energy recovery from surface water (TEO), was found to be of such interest that Wageningen University was commissioned to investigate our technology further.

Nutreact achieves shared first place at the STOWA Innovation Award!

Full scale pilot has started

Our technology has been able to translate from our laboratory to smaller water bodies. Now, on behalf of water board Brabantse Delta, Municipality of Bergen op Zoom and Province of North Brabant, we are going to develop a full-scale pilot perform on the waters of the Binnenschelde and Volkerak-Zoommeer.

We will start measurements and analyses from mid-June 2024 and then proceed with the installation of the Nutreact plant.
